My Name is Briel Mack. I am 20 years old , Born and raised in Washington DC.

 I am a full time college student at McDaniel College Studying Business. 

The reason I would like to be in the contest is because I want to show the next generation of young black girls that it’s okay to be unapologetically you and to love yourself and show it with confidence. I know it can be hard when people can have a lot of expectations of what black girls wear, how our hair looks and what we want to do in the future, but I want to tell all the young black girls to block the judgment and still be you. There's nothing wrong with being confident in yourself and never giving up. Anything that we want to do. We can put our minds to it, we can do it. If you want to get a car, place or you want to go to college, you can do it. Don’t listen to others, whatever you are going through. Pray about it and take it up with God because he will listen and protect you every time. I want to let all the young girls know that you don’t have to be fast paced. As long as you are running your own race and worrying about what you are doing, that’s all that matters. Don’t look on social media or at the people trying to compare yourself to them because you are not them. You’re in competition with yourself and you strive to be successful and have success but you have to work hard and focus on your own goals because everything will take time but you have to have faith that your time will come.


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