Lolita’s zone of genius is leveraging the power of her voice to pull out, then pour into others. Her clients benefit from strategies to refocus, restore, and re-weave structure and clarity into their everyday lives at work, home and life. Lolita excels as a sought-after transformation specialist, corporate coach, TEDx and motivational speaker, author, podcaster and creator of individual and corporate programming.

She graduated from Morgan State University as an Industrial Engineer and Simmons College as an MBA. An active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and several volunteer organizations and boards, Lolita is a sole proprietor who has lived, experienced and thrived in both transition and change within her personal and professional life. 

When Lolita was asked, by her company, to relocate to a new state for a new role, she owned her tough decision of “no.” With only a savings account, her strengths and faith, Lolita leaped from a thriving corporate career of nearly 20 years. Lolita pulled on her innate strengths to birth Walker & Walker Enterprises. 

Her first book, The Intersection of You & Change” is an empowerment guide that has helped thousands on their journeys of self-discovery and renewed action. Her second book, Can We Talk? Letters & Poems to Reclaim a Bolder You” empowers readers to have an inner dialogue with “self” to help shift them further.

From leading change ranging from a new manager to a new acquisition and from a divorce to an even busier single mom, Lolita has, and will, foster cohesive and lasting results.


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